For those of us who practice in the technology law field, one of the most exciting and novel areas is what’s happening in virtual worlds and with “massive multi-player online role-playing games” (“MMORPGs”). The variety and depth of the legal issues are fascinating, and I’ll do my best to cover them in this blog and on […]
“Second Life” a Tool for Terrorism? Crazy . . . For Now.
Private Commercial Websites and Publicly Available Sources of Information: Potentially Deceptive?
There was an interesting consumer protection suit filed by the Pennsylvania Attorney General (“AG”) recently. It seems that Waltham, Massachusetts resident Areg A. Sakanyan, who was operating a website,, to supposedly help people locate unclaimed money, didn’t provide the advertised service. According to the AG, the site lured consumers to conduct an initial free search and […]
Big Brother and Its Accomplices
In yet another invasion of privacy couched in the rhetoric of “but the consumer will benefit!” comes this story from the Washington Post. Apparently, a small but growing number of ISPs are monitoring their users’ every click and keystroke. The ISPs then harvest the data to determine a user’s interests and preferences and provide it to advertisers who […]
Kicking Big Brother in the Ankles
After my post about privacy yesterday, it’s nice to know that there are entrepreneurs out there who seek to make sure that our government—which generally has little problem with how private industry treats and shares our personal information—is as transparent as possible when it comes to its own information. According to a story in the […]
E-Mails are Signed Writings (yawn)
Although it should hardly be considered to be news anymore, an appellate court in New York has ruled that a series of e-mails constituted “signed writings” within the meaning on New York’s Statute of Frauds. Consequently, they could be used to modify an employment agreement which provided that all modifications had to be signed by the parties. […]
Say “Cheese!” . . . From Your Bedroom Window
A Pennsylvania couple recently added their names to the long list of people who have sued Google. Aaron and Christine Boring, who own a home in Pittsburgh, have filed suit against Google after learning that their house appears on Google’s controversial “Street View” feature, which allows its users to see an actual street-level view of a particular road, including all […]
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